Friday, June 7, 2024

Walkthrough updates

 Hey everyone. 

Thought I'd make a post to mention that the walkthrough on the blog is getting updated. I haven't changed the version number notice at the top of the page yet since it's not done yet. But the walkthrough now contains the full instructions on the villain route, the main path through the heroic route, and new info on several sub routes. 

I'm going to be trying to work on getting the rest of the walkthrough up to date over the next week or so. Once I do have it updated, I'll update the "accurate to this version number" part to reflect the current version.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Adventure High 0.86 is up

 Adventure High 0.86 is out now. Here's what's new in this version of the game:

- 1 scene added to Cassandra's romance plot.
- Flirt added to 2 scenes in Sarah's story.
- 1 Scene added for Julia romance plot.
- 2 Scenes added for Ashley Charmed plot.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Adventure High 0.84 is up

 Version 0.84 is up for Adventure High. This one may have more bugs than usual; after updating Stencyl's engine to a newer version, a lot of things broke. I tried to fix as much as I could find but if you find anything, feel free to report it. Here's what's new in this version:


- Transformed spell lists for full party added.
- 2 spell slots added for Reese.
- 2 scenes added for Molly Quits plot.
- 1 scene for Victoria added.
- 1 scene for Kate's romance added.
- 1 Convo for Sarah added.
- 1 Convo for Erin added.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Progress update for 3/4/23

Hey everyone. I've got a few updates for you all. 

First up is that the new live updates cycle for Adventure High has begun; we're starting out with all four of Ms. Rack's extended library scenes, and one new scene for Ashley's tankard. 

Mind Conquest is getting close to finishing it's port. Most of the mechanics of the game have been implemented, and we're now getting to the point of transcribing the scenes from the game into the new engine. Hopefully we'll have an update on that in the next month or two. 

Succuquest is also approaching a new update. I've been working steadily on it in the background and most of what I have left is designing the sunken ship dungeon. Hopefully you will all enjoy this new update when it arrives. 

Spiral Clicker has been going a long time without an update; largely because I've been doing the very slow, and very tedious process of updating the dialogue system to a more efficient system. Its slow, but when its finished I am hopeful that the memory use during compile will go down enough to finally allow a mobile release on android. 



That's about all the news I have at the moment. Thanks for all of your support. Also apparently I can't comment on my own posts on blogger now? Which is rather weird and inconvenient. Hopefully they fix whatever is causing that problem. Whenever I click to reply, I get an incomplete text box with no submit button. ^__^; Found that out when trying to answer someone's question a little while ago...

Friday, January 20, 2023

Adventure High 0.75 is out + progress

 Adventure High 0.75 is now out on newgrounds and Here's what's new in this version of the game:

- AI updated for Sarah.
- 2 scenes for Derrick's transformation plot added.
- 1 scene for Lava Girl added to Monster Ranch.
- 1 scene for Aquatic Girl added to Monster Ranch.
- 1 scene for Alure Fish added to Monster Ranch.
- 3 scenes for Magma Golem added to Monster Ranch. 


Not much news for Spiral Clicker so far; I am working on the lengthy process of optimizing the code. Its a long and tedious process but when it's finally finished, hopefully the memory usage in compile will be low enough to finally do the android .apk export.

Spiral Clicker 2 is in the resource collection stage. I'm working on getting all the resources needed to begin assembling the first version of the game. I have several characters designed and some UI designed, but the rest of the early UI and some generic girls are needed to progress. 

Mind Conquest has been steadily progressing with it's port. The programmer I am working with on it sent me a new version a couple weeks ago. So far most of the core mechanics are functional. Main things left to implement are new art assets, the code for managing everything that happens when you sleep, and then building out the content. 

Finally, Succuquest is getting close to starting live updates again. I've finished the programming portion of all the new enemies for the next area up to the start of the next dungeon, and am working on building out the area to explore on your way to it. The new area will feature a lakeside, followed by the depths of the lake. The dungeon of this area will feature a sunken pirate ship found mysteriously at the bottom of the lake, far away from the ocean which will be well on the other side of the map...

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Progress update for 11/13/22

Hey everyone. It's been a while since my last progress update. Been very focused on coding and writing and forgot to post again. Got two main things to cover in this post.

The first is for Adventure High. Version 0.73 is finished now and is available to patrons. The public release will be in a week as usual. Here's what's new in this update

- 3 bedroom scenes for Ashley extended.
- 4 scenes added for Ashley's tankard plotline.
- Treasure chest for Healed Ashley added to 16th floor of dungeon.
- 1 spell added for Kate.
- Rescued buff added.
- 1 spell added for Molly
- Guilt Status ailment added. 

The next is that I've begun an indiegogo campaign to start work on Spiral Clicker 2. Its going to be more of the spiral clicking and harem collecting fun of the first game, but with compatibility for larger numbers, a PC friendly screen resolution, and the introduction of spellcasting to make conquest more fun and interesting. 

If you're interested, cameos are cheaper during the campaign than usual and every little bit will help the game get off the ground faster. So do check it out if Spiral Clicker was something you enjoyed.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Progress Update for 9/5/22

 Hey everyone!

Here's the status update for you all. I released the new version of Spiral Clicker last week. There are a couple bugs I need to work out, but I added four characters to the game, and I seem to have improved the black box issue, fewer people should be experiencing it now than before. 

I am beginning work on Adventure High for the month. I got a couple scenes done on my stream a few days ago and have been working on implementing them in the code. It should be up tonight. 

I got a new demo of Mind Conquest this week as well. Its up to the point of handling the attacks, but not quite to the point of having the puzzles. so that should be coming along fairly quickly soon. 

Succuquest is coming up pretty soon. I'll be sending the finalized demo to the publisher I am working with, Shades, later this month to be prepared for an october release. 

I think that's all I can think of at the moment. Sorry it's a lot of brief statements, i've been perpetually drowsy since getting another hit from that stress illness a bit over a week ago. Hoping that goes away soon.