Mindwipe Castle Live

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Android Version

8/24/24 updates:

- Extended ending and CG added for Miranda Mode.

8/15/24 updates:

- Raven's loss CG added to Villain Mode.

8/13/24 updates:

- Raven's Villain Mode trial added.

8/9/24 updates:

- Holi's Villain Mode trial added.

8/6/24 updates:

- Miranda's Villain Mode trial added.

8/5/24 updates:

- Samantha's Villain Mode trial added.

8/2/24 updates:

- Miranda Mode story complete.

7/31/24 updates:

- Miranda Mode scenes up to Drell's appearance added.

7/17/24 updates:

- Miranda Mode scenes up to Miranda's villain assignment added.

7/5/24 updates:

- Colored versions of ending CGs added.
- Hint system added.

7/3/24 updates:

- Ending of main story added. Using placeholder sketches for last two CGs until the art is finished being drawn.
- Back button added to trials.

7/2/24 updates

- Fourth Trial added.

7/1/24 updates:

- Evidence now appears on screen when obtained.

6/30/24 updates:

- Scenes leading up to fourth trial added.

6/29/24 updates:

- Third investigation, and trial added.

6/28/24 updates:

- Second trial added.

6/27/24 updates:

- Second investigation added
- Scenes leading up to the announcement of the second attack added.

6/26/24 updates:

- Initial Music tracks added.
- First Trial added.

6/25/24 updates:

- First investigation added.
- Story up to first investigation added.

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