Mindwipe Castle Walkthrough

 Mindwipe Castle Minimal spoilers walkthrough.

Case 1

After seeing all required scenes, the first villain attack occurs upon going up the left-side stairs from the first floor.

Once the investigation begins, and there are two pieces of evidence to find. Going upstairs to the dorms allows you to find the optional Diary evidence, and talking to Silvia on the first floor allows you to find the villain's tool. Report back to Miranda then return to Silvia to proceed.

Actions During the trial:

Step one:

"Returning to the incident, did anything else happen at the time?" -> Agree

"Please formally present your evidence." -> Present evidence, "Blue"

Alternate 1: (During Silvia's Testimony)

"Y-You're just making stuff up to make me look guilty! You're totally biased!" -> Agree

Alternate 2: (During Silvia's Testimony)

"I am being practical. Unless you have evidence to disqualify you, we cannot ignore the possibility it was you -> Present evidence, "Raven's Diary"

Step two:

"It seems equally likely that either of them may have used the dart gun" -> Object

"Now that's interesting. Why might that be?" -> Present evidence, "Fingerprints"

Case 2

After talking to Misty in the dining hall, Misty will arrive in the bedroom to inform you of the villain attack. Once there, it seems that Silvia has been caught red handed, but Dominya refuses to skip the formality of investigation.

During this investigation, you can get the General's report from the hidden room, the tool from Eliza's dress in the hallway, and a button from the left side stairs. Only the dress is needed to progress, but the other evidence can make things easier.

Actions during the trial:

Step One:

"I will tell it as I recall, and if you need to add or correct antyhing, you can do so after." -> Object

"Eliza's dress was laying in the hallway, but I did not see Silvia's clothing anywhere." -> Object

"So, she waited for Eliza to open the path to the secret room, and attacked her once she was inside." -> Object

"She ordered Eliza to strip, then hid the cloth inside of her dress." -> Object

Step Two:

"I followed behind her, and when I got down to the bottom of the stairs, she was already at the other end of the hall" -> Object

"Eliza did not go down the west staircase." -> Object

"Can you prove she went down the west staircase?" -> Present evidence, "Button"

"Why wouldn't she go after the best possible target to win this game?" -> Present evidence, "Eliza's back"

Case Three

There is no investigation in this case, as Anne is one of the suspects.

Step One:

"Y-You realize how this looks, right? To us, at least, it looks like you enslaved the victim and took out the only other witness!" -> Object

"Why not?" -> Present evidence, "Rule number One"

"And yet, the android's current state of function hardly seems helpful to her case." -> Agree

"What is the difference? You work with machines, do you not?" -> Object

"I believe the main issue here is that none of us understand what an engine, or code is." -> Agree

"...Or a hologram" -> Present evidence, "Hard Light"

Case Four

There is not much of an investigation, as there is not much to find. The villain tranced herself along with the target, and was unable to mess with the scene...

Step One:

Silvia suggests voting based on who they would prefer to win the game. In order to progress, you need to produce several pieces of evidence to suggest this isn't merely a game. You don't need to present all of these, but these are the evidences that add to progress at this point:

An Audience
Fake Light
Misty Memory
Nightmare Woman
Purple Stones
Nothing Outside
Royal Diary

"She heroically pushed me out of the way just in time to save me!" -> Object

"Why not?! Are you saying my Mistress wouldn't save me?" -> Present evidence, Scratches

"To avoid breaking the rules, she recklessly pushed me out of the way." -> Object


After this trial, there is one last thing that needs to be done which may be tricky. Anne mentions that she wants to go back to the dorms. On the way there, the stairs leading to the dorms will have a scene you might miss if you are not looking closely enough. Press the X on the wall to progress.


Villain Mode 

Villain mode flips trials around, as you now need to prevent the case from being solved rather than solving the case yourself. Each villain has their own strategy for victory. If you do not want to know who the villains are in the main story, finish the main story first before reading below.

Samantha: Samantha can use Distract to use each of her tricks at any time. Her goal is to waste enough time with her tricks that the trial goes to a vote without the answer. After each distract, the conversation is set back to the last "memorable point", though Samantha will need to wait until the conversation has moved past the point where she used her distraction to distract everyone again.

Good lines to distract on for maximum effect would be:

Miranda: "Well, at the least we were able to determine that the villain must have come from downstairs."

Miranda: "Whoever tranced Olivia must have also possessed the skills necessary to hide the dart gun in this way."

Raven: "That's not fair! How am I supposed to prove that?"


Additionally, you can object on these lines:

Anne: "We were just talking about finding Silvia so we could get her help with something magic related."

Silvia: "I cast a light spell to help search, and it seemed to appear out of nowhere, like it was invisible before!"

Miranda: "I think we can safely eliminate Eliza based on this."

Holi: "According to my logs, the last text written in the book was after Anne called for assistance."

Once enough time has been wasted, the investigators will run out of patience, and will go to a vote; which will result in Samantha's victory.


Miranda:  Miranda has multiple pieces of false evidence she can present to muddy the water. Her goal is to successfully frame Eliza for the crime.

Eliza: "Um... Well... So last night I snuck out to go look for the secret door..." - Object

Miranda: "Perhaps we should move on to the evidence..." - Present Button

Miranda: "As I said, it is a stretch to begin with. We don't have much to work from here." - Present Diary

Miranda: "So it could refer to either, depending on when she left the room." - Present Fingerprints

Holi: Holi is both the easiest and least intuitive villain to play. Although her plan is to frame Misty, Misty will always arrive too soon for Holi to fully pin the blame on her. Instead, you should intentionally play poorly to max out your guilt before Misty arrives. This will cause Olivia to be found guilty, and give Holi her win.

Raven: Similar to Samantha, Raven can use her Gaze to influence others using the Distract button. Unlike Samantha, Raven's trial is more structured like Miranda's.

Raven: "This isn't fair! How am I supposed to win if I don't even get a chance?!" - Distract

Dominya: "Perhaps she was aiming at me. Her hunger might be affecting her coordination." - Object

Dominya: "I... I'm not here to pamper you all! I... AHG..." - Object

Alternatively: Dominya: "M-My head... I..." - Distract

Dominya: "But it does not excuse your neglect of Olivia!" - Object

Dominya: "But I bear no responsibility for her actions after having been freed!" - Object

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