Thursday, December 14, 2017

Adventure High 0.42 update list

Adventure High 0.42 is finished and up for 1 dollar patrons now. If you want to get in early, you can check out my Patreon in the sidebar to the right.

Here's what's new in this month's update for Adventure High:

- 1 Bad ending added to Julia Bodyswap plot.
- New scene using Transform from the menu added for Val (Must be on streets or in hallway)
- New game over as Val added. (Conditions must be met for first scene in heroic path, then talk to Mr. Drape while looking like Val)
- Val recaptured scene added
- Reese booked scene added
- Dr. Tiff personality change sequences added
- Dr. Tiff artwork updated to green crosses instead of red
- Play scene for Normal Tiff added
- Custom saves in options menu added
- 1 Scene added to Redemption Route
- New tutorial scene written for menu and new save mechanic
- 2 Alternate scenes for Julia in the Book Plot added for newgame+
- Chest added to 13th floor for willing slave Cowsandra
- 4 alternate milking sequences added for willing slave Cowsandra
- 1 scene added to Cowsandra conspiracy plotline
- Ms. Rack library scenes for alternate personalities added
- Game over sequence added for Rosa when losing to Aquatic Girl


  1. "Dr. Tiff artwork updated to green crosses instead of red". Any special reason for this?

    "Cowsandra conspiracy."
    If that's not related to Willing Slave Cass, I will be disappointed, Doug.

    1. I guess it's because the red cross is the international symbol of the Imternational Red Cross (duh!) while the green cross is just the international generic symbol of a pharmacy

    2. Yeah, I read about red cross starting to enforce their trademark on indie games, so I figured I'd change it before they notice me.

    3. Ah, sucks to hear about that.
      Kinda curious as to *why*...

    4. From what I can tell, they want the red cross to be "universally accepted as neutral in war zones" and so associated only with them, and not with the general concept of medical aid.

    5. They've been trying to steer away of that general concept thing for several decades now. I have to agree, them being recognised as neutral in war zones is FAR more important than any videogame, but they are fighting an already lost battle. Kudos for doing the moraly right thing, anyways.

  2. >Custom saves
    >lots of options for diverting paths that used to have little content
    Time to edit my massively grinded savefile so it's at game start (hey, less work that grinding everyone to level 40 AGAIN) and replay the whole game, this time with less grinding and more saving at every storyline branch.
    Will make testing of future versions far easier.
    Thanks for wasting my late December, Doug. Xmas is overrated anyway ;-D

    1. Agreed on making it making testing easier.
      Sadly, I might not be around this time around - by the sound of things, I'm going to visit a few family members over Christmas, so I'm gone the 20th-25 or 26th (we celebrate Christmas the 24th here).
      I'll leave you in charge of hunting bugs in that case, FF!

    2. Yes. I did this all to distract you, specifically, from Christmas. :P

  3. So with the slime girl, flower girl, and now aquatic girl transforming girls into monsters, it makes me wonder if there is a New Game Plus with a monster town. Because there is already Succubus Molly, Funtime Sarah, and Dragon Erin; so if you transform some of the other girls at least partially into monsters then find a way to break the seal and let monsters take over the town.

    Like if you don't meet Cassandra before getting to level 9, then you find her with her previous party getting wrecked by a slime girl. then you get the choice to rescue her or let her lose then capture her with a chakram.

    maybe I'm overthinking though

    1. I do have plans for an optional plotline if you lose to several key monsters.

  4. Still have no idea how to transform into Val from the menu. Am I missing something?

    1. The public release will be on the 20th if you are playing the public version. Otherwise, you can use transform from the menu while standing on the street, or in the school hallway.

    2. >no mention of sex scenes with Val while transformed as Val

    3. Also unable to get this. Can this scene be reached from all plotlines, or is it heroic plotline-specific? If the former, it might be a bug (or it could be it having other requirements).

    4. Turns out I'm not going to my family. So, yay - I get more AH!
      To transform Val (in case you haven't found out):
      Have her in your party and cast "Transform" on her from the menu. A scene will trigger. During it, you can cast Shrink on her (when she speaks) for another scene. You'll now walk around as Val (though the only thing I succeeded in was getting a bad ending in which Drape enslaved me. No idea what happened to Val...)

  5. we start quite fast with bugs...
    Tiff's portrait still shows red crosses

  6. uh.... is "Drape uses Julia to get at MC" plotline suppossed to pop up in the students and faculty enslavement plotlines, or was it meant just for the heroic plotline? Because I just had it pop up in my "enslave everybody and their cat" savegame. If it wasn't intended, I have to report it as a bug.

    1. I'm not sure how it would trigger on those plotlines. I doublechecked the code and it triggers when you reach the 12th floor, and have done the plot where Mr. Drape drops you into the trap door. Which is a scene that only happens on the heroic route, unless you did heroic up to that point then started enslaving people.

    2. Don't reeally remember if I did that, but yep, that's a likely explanation

  7. I can't seem to transform into val, it just says 'failed' whenever I try

    1. It isn't heroic only, but Val needs to have not been enslaved. You can cast the spell from the main menu on her when on the street or in the school hallway.

  8. Question, is the "Val recapured" scene after the Julia bodyswap (recaptured by Drape), or after Tiff un-enslaves her (recaptured by MC)?

    1. I managed to trigger it like this:
      -Enslaved Val first chance I got.
      -Enslaved Sarah in the corridor
      -Changed Val to a bimbo, then leveled high enough so I could get Ms. Rack.
      -Get Rack (Bimbo Val make out fight)
      -Attend all of Jane's private lessons.
      -Enslaved Jane and Molly during the 4th (did all at once).
      -Val returns to normal.
      -Val gets pissed
      -Enslave Dr. Tiff using Ms. Rack
      -Once done, I went ahead and triggered the Dr. Tiff/Ms. Rack plot.
      -Go ahead and speak to Ms. Rack rather than Dr. Tiff.
      -Talk to Ms. Rack about Val
      -Scene triggered in bedroom (Ms. Rack was in her Normal personality from the moment I enslaved her until the now).

    2. how do you talk to Ms. Rack about Val?

    3. After you've enslaved Dr. Tiff (using Ms. Rack), speak to Ms. Rack in Dr. Tiff's room. She will now leave.
      Speak to Dr. Tiff and ask about fetishes. Next, ask her to elaborate further.
      Head to Ms. Rack's room and speak to her. When given the option, say you want to talk about Val.
      Finally, ask her to help enslave Val again.

    4. did like you said, but after asking Tiff to elaborate, Rack doesn't show up in her room, do I need to get to a certain floor in the dungeon, or have a certain lvl?

    5. also, did u enslave Julia? or give her notes to get the info, and did u speak to Jane before enslaving Tiff, or after, those are the only things I can think of that might have been different, aside from it being a newgame+ save file

    6. As long as Rack is in her normal personality, it should trigger.

      Just did a fresh save: I went to floor 12 and it triggered right at once. So maybe try getting a bit further into the dungeon? (My only slaves here were Val, Sarah and Julia - the last one was solely for the sake of speed to get intel).

    7. ah, i only stayed in the dungen long enough to get Val to lvl 4, which is when Rack questions her behaviore, so I didnt even past fl. 3

    8. ok, went and got to fl. 12 of the dungeon, and this time it triggered, so I did need to get deeper in, thanks

  9. Either bug or continuity mistake with "Rosa as Val" shenanigans: if you enter the dungeon, Val still appears in the fights, even if she's meant to be shrunk and sleeping and doesn't appear as a party member. I know it's Val and not "Rosa-as-Val", because Rosa (as Rosa) also appears in the fights.

    1. that may be a bit too difficult for me to fix at the moment; the fix for it will require some serious reworking to be consistent with the transform mechanics. I will get that fixed in the next update so you can cast Val's spells and Val will be absent from the party. Might make for an interesting change to party balance.

    2. >interesting change to party balance.
      only if you make the scene repeatable.

      Actually, what you should do, should you be able to fix that bug, is allow the MC to transform into any other character for dungeon purposes (you only need a brief "I don't think walking around as XXXX all the time would be a good idea, but it will be useful in the dungeon" line from the MC, make it work without limitations only in the hallway right in front of the dungeon, transform the MC, fill party as desired, and let's fight!).

      Because, you know, this game you created has grown to be more than just random sex scenes - it even includes a SERIOUS TACTICAL ELEMENT (yeah, sure, that "serious" element involves randomly transforming into -likely brainwashed- party members; serious my a...) ;-D

  10. Getting a bad ending by losing against a Rubber Naga or Slime Girl crashes the game after Tiff wakes you up.

    1. I will work on fixing that as soon as I can. Today's been a busy day so sorry about the slow fixes today.

  11. Don't know if this has been asked/answered yet, but I am having trouble with the heroic plot, after talking to Ms. Tiff and getting back in the right body, the only spell I can cast is confuse, while suppression doesn't work at all, despite what the walk-though says

    1. You need to be able to overpower the two you are with in order to suppress them both at the same time. If you are getting a fail, your level isn't high enough compared to their levels.

  12. Dunno if partial bug-fix or not, but, remember how in the v41 version hitting the FF button in Val's roses scene did *consistently* freeze the game? Well, in v42, hitting it now *consistently* half-freezes it; keyboard and text-advance buttons still don't wok, but at least you CAN cast magic to end the scene.

  13. From the walkthrough:
    "(cast) Suppression to turn them from Mr. Drape's slave to yours. This will move you into the Faculty Control Path."

    Shouldn't that move you to the Tempted Hero instead, just like enslaving Val or Sarah in their minds?

    1. (and now that I'm talking about the walkground, it *still* doesn't mention that you can enslave Julia during your date)

    2. I think you mean the walkthrough, not the walkground, FF.

    3. Yes, typos and lack of edit button

  14. anyone find out how to trigger the Reese booked scene yet, I assume it has't to do with the mysterious revenge/book plots, but don't know what to do to trigger it

    1. Start the Mysterious Revenge route and go through it until you're done. In the final scene (where you meet Reese), give Reese the book rather than enslaving her or giving her the contract.

    2. that's what I thought at first, so I tried it, and nothing happened, did you have Cassandra as a willing slave, or enslaved? would that even affect it?

    3. Enslaved.
      You can give it to her when you can normally give her the contract (don't have Cass enslave her - rather, hear Reese out and Reese should tell you that you need to do something to make up to her. You should be able to give her the book at that point).

  15. ah, thanks, I was choosing to help make a new slave

  16. An idea I had (no idea if you're planning on implenting it to begin with): If you go Submissive Route, then complete Julia's Mind and choose to use "Suppression" to escape (causing Cass and whoever else you bring to become enslaved), maybe have a special scene where Dan/Rosa breaks out of the submissive relationship like that and instead causes Cass to become the submissive one.

    I have no idea how difficult that would be to add to the game, but I thought it would be a fun idea.

    Speaking of Cassandra, are there any other ways to obtain her other than by backing Sarah up or having Julia enslaved? Because I have been able to find a grand total of 0 possible ways to do so outside of those.

  17. those are the only two ways to meet her currently. I am planning on working on what to do with Cassandra if she is your mistress at the time that you enslave her.

    1. Switch scene is called for (you should know what I'm talking about). Followed by scene with triple choice of 1) nice or 2) commeuppance (not-nice) ways, then play resumes normally as if out of the submisive plotline to begin with, or 3) order your slave to double-switch, then play resumes normally as if still in the submisive plotline, to have everyone happy.
      All this can be efectively done with text-only scenes, of the kind you friggin excel at.
      (OK, we know the public will demand a "domme Cassandra gets tied like a roasted duck" scene, but that can be added later on.)

    2. > "domme Cassandra gets tied like a roasted duck" scene
      PIC. I obvioulsy meant a PICTURE of that for the switch scene. Damn lack of edit button.

  18. 1 scene added to Cowsandra conspiracy plotline, does this mean there is a scene that occurs after Sarah talks to Cowsandra? If so, how do I trigger it?

    1. You need Willing Slave Cassandra and having found the breast pumps (floor 13, upper left corner).
      Have Sarah in her tough form and milk Cassandra 4 times using the breast pumps (happens automatically if you have the breast pumps). The scene will now trigger instead of the normal one (in which Sarah says she doesn't like excuses and is keeping an eye on Cass).

  19. Heads up: if you enslave Dr. Tiff using Jane (a.k.a best way), her crosses are still red rather than green in the artwork.

  20. Not sure if intentional (there's two bugs here):
    First, if you start the Redemption Route but then enslave Dr. Tiff (at least by using Jane), you can speak to Val and tell her the truth. She'll get pissed and leave. You can afterwards speak to her again and she'll act as if you're on the Redemption route as normal.

    Second, I didn't heal Sarah in the hallway and instead pissed her off in the streets. Later on, I used the Stone Skin spell on her to transform her skin into plastic when asked.
    When doing the Redemption Route, she correctly left my party. After enslaving Dr. Tiff, she still acts as if it's no big deal and asks me to transform her into a doll, allowing me to start the Doll Sarah route.

    No idea if either are intentional.

  21. Hey how to trigger the alternate Julia scenes in new game plus?

    1. Give her the Mysterious Book in a NG, then take it back (I tend to do so after letting Ashley read it). Give it to Jane to trigger the Mysterious Book NG+.
      Re-obtain the book as usual and give it to Julia. She will remark that seems to remember it and begin reading it, leading to two different scenes (let her continue reading it the first time to trigger the second scene).

  22. Why does every bedroom scene pan up so rapidly that no one could get a good view? If you like the art work, why not display it to the rest of us? I don't think anyone here has a fetish for nude head and shoulders. Except maybe you; that would explain everything.

    1. You can scroll down by pressing the up and down buttons on your keyboard, allowing you to see any part of the artwork you want.

  23. I hope you will continue the submissive plotline soon. I really like it !
    Great Game.

  24. 1 day for next release... shouldn't the Val recapture and cowsandra conspiration stuff have be added to the walkthrough by now?

    1. I barely check the walkthrough but now that you mention, it is weird.

      Then again, the latter might be because it's such a small route at the moment and the other one... Probably slipped his mind. That's my guess on it.

    2. Yeah, I probably forgot to include those. It can be tricky to remember everything I did during the month. xD

    3. >forgot
      Don't worry, that's what you got blog comments for ;-)
