Monday, September 5, 2022

Progress Update for 9/5/22

 Hey everyone!

Here's the status update for you all. I released the new version of Spiral Clicker last week. There are a couple bugs I need to work out, but I added four characters to the game, and I seem to have improved the black box issue, fewer people should be experiencing it now than before. 

I am beginning work on Adventure High for the month. I got a couple scenes done on my stream a few days ago and have been working on implementing them in the code. It should be up tonight. 

I got a new demo of Mind Conquest this week as well. Its up to the point of handling the attacks, but not quite to the point of having the puzzles. so that should be coming along fairly quickly soon. 

Succuquest is coming up pretty soon. I'll be sending the finalized demo to the publisher I am working with, Shades, later this month to be prepared for an october release. 

I think that's all I can think of at the moment. Sorry it's a lot of brief statements, i've been perpetually drowsy since getting another hit from that stress illness a bit over a week ago. Hoping that goes away soon.

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