Live Updates

Comments section is full on this page, so I've made a new page. Just go through this link right HERE


If the game does not respond at first, you may need to click within the borders of the game to focus the browser on it.
Basic Controls:
WASD/Arrows: Movement in Dungeon, selecting spells and targets in combat.
Enter: Exit Dungeon, when in bedroom open party menu, fast forward in conversation.
M: Mute
Spacebar/NumPad0: Continue Dialogue, Select spells or target in combat.
1,2,3/NumPad1,NumPad2,NumPad3: Select dialogue options
The current lowest floor in the dungeon is floor 13
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11/27/16 updates:

- Avatar for Mr. Drape updated.
- Updated Images added to make-out scene with Sarah after the first date.

11/29/16 updates:

- 1 new scene added to Jane tamed plot.

11/30/16 updates:

- Variation of Cassandra's Library scene added for her willing slave plotline.
- Jane's library scene added.
- 1 scene added to Jane Tamed plot.
- You can now command Molly to give you shop items for free (Note, will cause her to get fired if abused)
- New shop interface with Derrick if Molly was fired.
- 1 new scene added for Molly being fired.


  1. looks good so far, however im not a huge fan of losing the ability to 'talk' to Val completely after Dr. Tiff.

    1. You won't lose the ability to talk to her permanently. I just have not reached the next section where you can either trick her into thinking you gave up your slaves, or actually give up your slaves to befriend her again.

    2. I wonder if she actually lets her guard down for you to brainwash her again (or if you have to use a new combo or trick). Like I said before, this is beginning to remind me more and more of the genocide route of Undertale, where the game makes sure to remind you that you're playing the BAD GUY here.

    3. Though that you're allowed to keep Julia as a friend, alley, etc, reminds that yes, you have free will here, everything you've done is your own choice. (Ironically a bit like Overlord where you have enough free will left in spite being made the villain, that you can become the BELOVED Overlord by the end). No wonder it takes you so long to do everything. Again, reminds me of Undertale and all the paths you can take.

  2. the new monster seems to be named Mature Slime, however im almost positive that the slime before the skull slime was called 'mature'. also love where tis is going

    1. Thanks, and sorry about the mix up. I forgot to update the name announcement in the battle screen to match the new monster.

  3. The 'freeing' option seems to be seriously broken. The background is the library, all you say is 'Actually...I forgot to bring them with me. Give e a minute' and after dr. Tiff Says something, it seems to call the start on a conversation with Julia

    1. Sorry about that. I think I know what caused it. I have a fix uploading now.

  4. Will we the chance to rebrainwash Val this update section?

    1. I have about four days left before the usual patron release date I aim for, so hopefully I should have enough time to finish the rest of the release sequences, then scenes where you can re-befriend, or re-enslave Val.

  5. So, came back for the release sequences(I liked to see how they resisted even with Cassandra in normal personality, I thought that was cute)
    Realized that when I brainwashed Tiff I only used the alt personalities and not normal and... wow. The scene leading up to and the enslaving Tiff with normal Cassandra might beat Jane's second lesson as the coolest example of how great Dan/Rosa's powers are. That's the scene that made Cassandra go from, "Cool to enslave as an option, I guess. Everyone else is better though. Maybe if I could charm her..." to "OMG most interesting slave 2016!"

    The only problems are that in the alt personality scenes she sometimes refers to me as Mistress and in the first scene with normal Cassandra before enslaving Tiff the word "might" is misspelled.(Line went like, "I mighght have a spell that could help."
    One last thing, and it's kind of a request; I'm 1000% sure you'll do an AWESOME job on reenslaving Val, but could you make the process some combination of spells or a choice? I'd love to see some crazy awesome combo like Grapple->Confuse->Charm->Supression, or just the classic Charm-enslave combo(I REALLY liked the second Jane lesson, keep my latest save just behind it for enjoyment.)

    1. Yeah, while Cassandra doesn't like being a slave, she also doesn't like the idea of being rejected. I'm glad to hear you liked her normal scene enslaving Dr. Tiff. I think I put more writing into that one than her other personalities, since her rebellious nature when left in her normal mind is quite different from her other more subservient personalities.

      I just fixed those typos and have the fix uploading with the a couple new release sequences.

      I will have Val's re-enslavement be a bit more involved than her other enslavement sequences. Maybe not quite so involved as casting four spells in a row as that would be a large jump in complexity but it will certainly take more than just throwing down a couple spells on a whim.

  6. hey, so I checked out the releasing. Seems Julia isn't appearing, and how can you even release Ms. Rack if she cant be in your party? also Is there something specific you have to do in order to get the alternate sequences involving Cassandra?

    1. Sorry about that, I have a fix uploading now. You don't need the person you are releasing to be in your party at the time. You get an option to select who to release out of any of your slaves that you can release.

  7. Ms. Rack has a weird release scene, it may be the wrong one in fact, since it seems to be the end sequence with sarah.

    1. You are right. I put the wrong number into the redirect. I need to stop making so many typos. xD

    2. Now it seems to skip the release sequence, just doing it immediately with no dialogue.

    3. Had another typo in another spot. I think it should be working this time hopefully.

  8. While Dan's line 'you've always been a doll' is a cool line, I wonder if that might cause confusion at school, or does she justify that to herself somehow?

  9. Did one f the Val enslave scenes.... she keeps the 'fully entranced' eyes even after being told to wake up. Also, there's a blank dialogue box at the end with no speaker.

    1. Sorry about that. I have a fix uploading now.

  10. Brought Julia to the dungeon, she got hurt, but the heal or brainwash option didn't trigger.

    1. You actually heal/brainwash her after the battle, if you chase the berserker away instead of suppressing her.

  11. After I cast heal on Julia, and she remarks it's just a heal, Dan's response, and his name are all word salad (and Dan's name is mixed with Julia's.) And some in the second dialogue box. And after that. And the one after that is completely a mess. Also, Bserker appears in place of Julia when Dan explains that she's being nice to someone who punched her.

  12. I have a fix uploading now for both of those problems.

  13. Why does Dan have Val's fire burst?

    1. Sorry about that; Dan/Rosa got a new spell last update, but I put the wrong indicator in and it pointed to Burst instead. I'm uploading a fix now.

  14. So we can be either forceful or smoothing when reenslaving Val.

    I like the idea of forming a true friendship and relation with Julia, since she KNOWS what your power is and what you're doing, but still slowly opening up to you without mind control.

  15. It would be fun, if there was a special ending where you brainwash everyone BUT Julia.

    1. There will be a few special/alternate endings, though I'm not fully decided on how many there will be and what conditions they will have.

  16. Replies
    1. I need to work on finishing a couple requests; I'm a bit behind on them this month due to some drama around the house. Once I have ac couple requests done and the new release seems to be stable I'll start adding new features for the next round of live updates.

  17. Are the four teachers we've seen the only staff at School? Or are there more?

  18. hm, this might just be me, but I cant find the area where you would talk to Cassandra to get her route on Dr. Tiffs scene

    1. The scene should trigger when you talk to her in your bedroom, similarly to how you talk to Val when going after Ms. Rack.

    2. yeah, I thought so, it just goes to normal conversation of changing her personalities for me.

    3. I forgot to mention in the walkthrough; I will correct it, Cassandra needs to know her first assistive spell as well.

  19. Replies
    1. Yeah, the drama was more towards the middle of the month. It's just that I have to catch up on the art that was delayed. I am working on Dr. Tiff's library scene drawing at the moment.

  20. Unless she turns on you, Jane, like Julie, is another character I enjoy the idea of skipping out on brainwashing, simply because of all the encouragement and help she's given you so far. I'm guessing Confusion will be the next experiment with our extra-credit student.

  21. Bug. Tiff's scene goes to Miss Rack's scene instead.

    1. sorry about that. I have a fix uploading now

  22. I'm looking forward to where things go from here.

  23. New Jane is great, nicely detailed! But some details on the face threw me way the hell off at first glance. The eyes are too much compared to the rest of her. They were quite startling. Anime eyes are fine, but those eyeballs intimidate me with their sheer cartoonish size...
    Conversely, the mouth and to a much, much lesser extent the nose are a tad small for a human being. But honestly, I wouldn't care too much about the mouth and nose if they eyes matched. But in my non-artist's opinion a balancing of the features would be great.
    Body is amazing work, though the hips are a little thin for my taste (¬‿¬)

    1. Yeah, I am working with the artist on getting the eyes a bit smaller. Hopefully the rest of the face comes into balance with smaller eyes. Since I only recently met the artist I'm not sure yet how quickly they become impatient with requests for alterations.

    2. Holy...that is....are all the characters going to get an overhaul like this?

    3. Yeah, if things go well all the characters will get an update. It might take some time to get everyone updated though.

  24. I HATE to say this dude. I really don't like the new Jane avatar. I think I preferred the simplistic style of the characters before. Reminded me of classic The Wotch.

    1. I get what you mean. I might try to give the option for choosing between "classic" and new artwork if it doesn't cause filesize problems.

  25. P.S. When do you have a chance to Charm Val?

    1. You can use Charm on Val when you are inside her mind on the heroic path.

  26. you should make sure the headshots change as well. but otherwise, Dan looks slightly effeminate

    1. oh, and the top part of the live update' still says its last update was on the 5th

    2. I am planning to update the headshots when I get a chance to. Thanks for pointing out that I missed changing the date, I have that fixed. Dan's effeminate look probably has to do with the eyes. Unfortunately, the artist prefers making eyes in that way. Once more characters have been updated, he should start look more masculine in comparison.

  27. Yeah, I definitely prefer the 'classic Wotch' style to the new style. It's 'better done' clearly, but it doesn't have the same 'charm' ya know what I mean?

    1. Yeah, I'm going to try to provide an option to use the old style if I can make it work without going too large on the filesize.

  28. Replies
    1. It's the next in Val's line of normal conversations. It should be available on the street right after you finish the "small talk" conversation in the school hallway, assuming you don't make her leave your party by casting Suppression on her and failing.

    2. Hm. So you don't have the option to brainwash her in the new scene?

    3. Not in that particular one yet; You can cast confusion on her though to increase her obedience towards you which I am planning to go somewhere with.

    4. I think maybe you should lock Mr. Drape's brainwashing convo until the one in the street is at least seen?

    5. That's probably a good idea. Being able to talk to her about her specific interest of clothing and it's importance to her before she is affected by Mr. Drape's uniform change would make the change stand out better.

  29. hey, the old dan sprite seems way moved to the left in convos.

    1. Found the source of that problem, and have a fix uploading now.

  30. "- 1 new scene for the cowed Cassandra plot added"

    If you don't brainwash her after cowing her in the dungeon?

    1. Yeah, the cowed Cassandra plot is available when you turn her into the cow-form, but don't either turn her back to normal or enslave her while still in the dungeon.

  31. Sarah seems to have access to her 'blaze' spell immediately. Also, during the first Jane convo with the 'new' sprites, the talkers on the rigt seem to slowly get closer to you(atleast with dan).

  32. I didn't mind the magenta that much.

    1. Yeah, I didn't think Magenta was too bad, but I got multiple complaints of eye strain in the last update. I still have the Magenta menus on hand though for when I finish getting the main menu designed; I can probably add in options to pick your favorite color scheme.

  33. There appears to be a bug.
    I tell Sarah that doing the plastic spell on her is dangerous, and she backs off. But then the same chat is available again.

    1. I think I have that fixed. Sorry it took me a few hours, I was in the middle of a lengthy feature update and couldn't upload the fix until it was finished.

  34. Now the icon is still there after the chat... but it doesn't do anything.

    1. It must be something flash is doing wrong on your end. I just double checked and there is no logical reason for it to do that. If the variable was still stuck in a way that would cause the icon to appear, you would still be able to enter the scene because the two if statement chains are identical.

  35. And for some reason, the variable that tells the game that I asked Miss Rack to help brainwash Mr. Tiff is missing, and I can't go ask her to help brainwash her. I'm stuck in the redemption path no matter what.

    1. I have not made any changes to those scenes, so it should not suddenly have stopped working. You might want to try forcing your computer to reload the game and see if that helps.

  36. Slight bug, the HP total goes over the side of the status box in battle.

  37. Found the notes, but no sign of an encounter button in Miss Rack's room, nor an encounter button in Jane's room.

    1. The secret class hasn't been added yet. Just finding the note. I am going to add the secret class soon.

  38. Description of Val's new rock spell goes outside the box. Sarah's new spell name and description is all word salad.

  39. - Physical Magic secret class added

    Found the note again, but it wouldn't trigger.

    1. I fixed the problem with the physical magic class; had a typo when assigning the variable for finding the note so you'll have to load a safe from before finding the note and re-grab it. Also fixed the description on Val's spell. I did not add any new spells for Sarah so I don't know what spell you are referring to. What does it's icon look like?

  40. any new spells for Sarah so I don't know what spell you are referring to. What does it's icon look like?

    Like a mountain made of fire, it had a high damage output.

    1. Found the problem, and have a fix uploading now.

  41. When is the next update and when are the H-scenes coming in?

    1. I finish each release on the 13th of the month for the Patron release, then do the public release on the 20th.

      H-Scenes are mostly dependent on how quickly I can draw them. I am planning to include more stuff to do with girls under your control.

  42. Aww man, the first comment I left didn't go through... I'll retread quickly
    1. Slime Girl portrait overlaps with middle party member.
    2. When I did everything to make Sarah like me, an unclickable portrait appeared on the street and I couldn't get to date her...

    1. Sorry, had a variable backwards. It should be clickable now. I will fix the slime girl later today probably. About to get some sleep; been up literally all night.

  43. What are the requirements to date Sarah and how you bring her affection up to 75 because all I see are your v0.21 walkthrough of how to turn her plastic affection?

    1. Also how to activate the first date I never got a icon to start it after saying yes to date her?

    2. Sorry about that, there was a bug. The icon should appear in the bedroom now hopefully. As for getting her 75 affection; you can reach it from 50 by agreeing to go out with her, then when on the date guessing that she likes the lake when she asks you what about the spot she brings you to she likes most.

    3. Aww man, I got to the date(The portrait fix worked and I was able to go immediately from my save) but I can't choose an option when she asks me what her favorite spot is! The number keys don't work...

    4. Sorry about that. I have a fix uploading now. Hopefully the rest of the scene plays out properly. ><

    5. Another set of glitches! Got to choose a spot, but She went through multiple sets of dialogue(The red block denoting the end of a conversation appeared 3 times before we left the lake) and the portrait of Sarah on the bed wrapped around the top and bottom of the scree, cutting off Sarah's head. I think there could have been a second background in the foreground or something. Finally(most importantly for me) there wasn't a portrait letting me cast spells!

    6. I swear I've got more bugs in just these two scenes than I usually have in an entire update cycle... I just fixed all of those bugs. Fingers crossed that's the last of them. ^__^;

    7. No more obvious glitches, but one thing(lol).
      I can't use the spells? I haven't tried every single combination yet but I haven't seen the portrait appear during the date at the lake and while it does appear during the bedroom scene all my spells fail. Is there something locking me from using my spells if I fail or what?

    8. Sorry about that. I got confused and thought you meant the following scene in your previous post. I'll have a fix so that the spell icon appears during the date uploading in just a moment.

    9. Alright I think we're good
      Just gonna make this straight after a lot of trial and error
      1. You can cast Suppression right before or on the second choice in the date(Where you can try to get the makeout session)
      2. You can't cast Confusion during the date at the lake(I tried really hard)
      3. You can cast Charm when rejected after saying "The fiery red sunset" and asking if she wants to make out.
      4.When she is gonna leave after "Take it slow" or at any point before you can cast any one of your 3 control spells to extend the scene.
      5.You CAN'T cast spells
      -If you choose "take the lead" at the makeout
      -If you ask her about the lake or forest
      -Before you have the option to ask her something(Second date prompt)

      These are my findings
      I'm a little confused though, when she was glitching out and getting extra scenes at the lake I remember there being a scene that sounded like she was confused... But I'm sure I tested Confuse out at every point at the lake?

    10. She is vulnerable to confuse when you ask her about the lake, just as she says it's starting to get dark.

    11. Triple checked, that's a no go sir, still failed. Maybe it's misplaced vaiable?

    12. I found the problem; it's a stupid one. I typed "confusion" for the spell's identifier, when it is actually "confuse" which made it not trigger. Haven't pulled that one since early on when I gave Val's Bimbo form the identifier of "busty" and kept telling the game to give her the "bimbo" costume. xD

      I'll have a fix uploading soon. In the middle of writing a major update that will break horribly if it's uploaded part-way finished.

  44. You used the lake background for the store background.

    1. I'll have a fix for that uploading in just a moment.

    2. I wonder about our ability to brainwash Molly at some point, since it would be a game breaker if she was brainwashed into giving us stuff for free.

    3. I do have something in mind for that.

    4. I'm getting just excited just reading these comments. :D I can not wait for this game to be finished

    5. Neither can I. If I could make a time machine, steal the finished game from my future self and publish it now... I probably wouldn't do that. It'd cause a paradox and destroy the universe... Dang it...

  45. there seems to be some bunching of text with the new secret class. Also the dialogue seems to freeze up a bit when talking to molly, selecting the item thing(while not having an item) not sure if its just specific

    1. I have a fix uploading for the first thing. In the second, if you mean the dialogue options not working, I have a fix uploading for that. If she's doing something else odd, could you elaborate so I can fix it?

  46. The red rose description is incomplete, it ends at "to show them"

    1. I accidentally set the X coordinate of that line of text to 2240 instead of 240. xD I have a fix uploading now.

  47. Also the 'just looking around' response is a dead end.
    And so is the 'I'd like to talk.'

  48. I had to close the window, because there was no way out of the options since both were dead ends.

    1. I have a fix uploading for that issue now.

  49. I, um, can't seem to collect gems. I killed a crapton of monsters but that didn't do it. Gonna try choosing Option 1 talking to Molly this time.

  50. After playing for a bit, I find that I'm "capable" of getting Gems as a Gems Gained counter appears after every fight, but the number itself is ALWAYS 0! I can't get anything!

  51. Woah wtf
    I switched save files to see if something with a lot of diffences would also withhold gems from me
    It did
    But then while in the dungeon...
    "Val is starving..."

    1. the "X is starving..." line is from the Consume spell if the new monster has no slime to eat when it's turn comes around. I have no idea what would have caused Val to cast it. Is that problem reproducible?

      I'll have a fix for the gems uploaded in just a minute.

  52. Yeah how you get Gems? I keep getting 0 from monsters.

    1. Sorry about that. I put the code for determining the number of gems you get after the EXP was distributed and cleared from the memory. Will have a fix uploading soon.

  53. Alright! Gems work now. Process could use some work. The fact that I couldn't get the same amount of gems once they started fleeing was a problem when grinding. Add that to the fact that The monsters on Floor 10 give less than floor 9 when fleeing and the encounter rate being lower on Floor 9 and it's kind of a lose-lose grinding for gems since eventually they'll all start fleeing.

    Also, the final Love Potion scene with Molly was kinda buggy. Some misplaced text, overlap, possibly something skipped? Plus it ended early. I really liked the legible writing, it was a legendary moment well worth that 45 minute grind lol!

    1. Oh, and by "final Love Potion scene", I mean overdosing. I haven't attempted to get enough Gems for the 8,100 potion because COME ON THAT'S 400+ MORE ENCOUNTERS, but I'm assuming since I've already done something crazy(Oooooooh I can't wait for the followup!) there won't be another scene, maybe a short one where she explains that it won't work.

      ...I've come to the conclusion that I'm helping this thread reach 100 comments too quickly. I don't know if that's been fixed, but I still don't want to make this page TOO long. Is there somewhere else I can reach you as quickly/effectively? Patreon posts or Hypnopics Collective(Hey I'm Rigroll199 btw of you remember me lol) are convenient for me but if you want to do email or something for bug reports I'm game. I'm just a student with too much free time atm anyway, I could test for bugs on a regular basis.
      (BTW gonna DL Mozilla Firefox to get more save slots lol)

    2. Yeah, the overdosing one is the last major scene triggered by buying love potions to use on her. The follow up will occur once I have some art made up for it, and will occur in the game without needing make more purchases after that. Gems are a bit difficult to farm right now, but I have the amount balanced for the future, as you will be able to fight stronger monsters that will drop more gems in later floors.

      I have a fix for the text problems uploading now, hopefully I spotted them all this time.

      It's actually at 200 comments where the problem comes up. We're at 125 (126 when I post this) so we've got a ways to go before we hit it still. Patreon's private message system doesn't work on my browser for some reason; I have to type blindly into a partially loaded text box to reply to people. XD Probably hypnopics would be the best place to post if you don't feel comfortable posting here. The thread has no post count limit and the bumps would only give it more visibility.

    3. Gotcha, I'll try Hypnopics next time. Text is good, amazing even, gets me so freaking excited for the next scene! Cannot wait to see what happens next, my mind is swimming in possibilities! See ya on the Collective!

  54. Hey I'm looking into doing a turn based game on stencyl. Any pointers you can give me?

    1. Biggest thing would be to decide all the core mechanics you want to include in the combat before starting, and plan it all out first. The later into the game that you decide to make a change to the combat mechanics the more tedious it gets to implement the change properly.

  55. Newgrounds medals? Nice touch. Can't wait for Dan's Love Potion scene, since I don't have a Rosa save lol

  56. "You've done it to others." The text reads 'Dan' not Julia after you heal her.

    1. Sorry about the slow fix; was in the middle of a long update that required everything to be finished or it wouldn't work right. The fix to that should be uploading along with the update I'm uploading now.

  57. Replies
    1. Because Dan's part is written slightly differently to account for the different sex, and different image that goes with it. I'll have that scene up as soon as it's finished.

  58. update date still says the 13th

  59. BUG.
    I click on resume game and there are no buttons, no nothing, just the background.

  60. Okay, now the flash game won't appear at all. Is my browser buggy?

  61. EEP. Okay, a few bugs. After the love overdoes scene, the background is the school interior, not the bedroom. Second, in the initial discussion, Molly's figure is not visible. Also, during the splash page, the text floods over where Dan's name should be. I think that's all of it.

  62. Your problems with the game loading were probably browser related, as I made no changes to that scene and it seems to be working when I load it. I have the other bugs you mentioned fixed and uploading now.

  63. I'm guessing having Succubus Molly's hunger grow and feeding her isn't implemented yet, but being stuck in an empty textbox after saying I should feed her is pretty annoying lol

    1. Feeding her is implemented; the conversation getting stuck is a bug. I'll have a fix uploading in a few minutes.

  64. So how do you trigger the new beserker scenes?

    1. Sorry, I had some numbers mixed up. It should activate now. The first two trigger in the Library after reaching the 10th floor and having completed the previous scenes in the set. The last scene takes place in your bedroom.

    2. You sure you got the numbers right for the last scene?

    3. I thought I had, but it looks like I accidentally had the second scene direct to the first scene instead when triggered. I'll have a re-fix uploaded in a few minutes.

    4. I couldn't choose to Punish or Forgive her when the choice came up. I could only Spacebar to continue the scene with the Forgive option chosen for me :/

    5. Sorry about that. Had the dialogue option code set to look for the wrong line of dialogue. Uploading a fix in just a few minutes.

    6. KK it's good
      Just some cosmetic stuff
      The last 2 scenes have some portrait problems.

    7. Ah, sorry about that. I seem to be really good at mixing numbers up... Next time I make a game all my variables will be text instead of numbers. ><

      Will be uploading a fix in a few minutes.

  65. Icon appears in Ms. Jane's classrooms; does nothing.

    1. Sorry about that. I'll have a fix uploading in a few minutes.

  66. Something's wrong, it won't load.

    1. It's loading on my end, I'm not sure what might be causing it not to load for you.

  67. I don't know what's wrong, but I still can't load the game. It just sit there, a black screen.

    1. If your connection is slow enough, it will be a black screen for a while before the loading bar appears. Otherwise, maybe try a different browser and see if that helps?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. So I can't choose to Go With Sarah when the choice pops up, it always chooses Refuse. Seems like a Glitch.

    1. Oh, and there's a text overlap by Ms Rack on the scene with Sarah at Ms. Tiff's after, uh, coming back. Also I know there are 4 endings to the alternate route, but I can only find the friend and slave ones. I figured there'd be a difference whether we were dating or not but that didn't change it.
      Plz let me go with her :D

    2. Sorry about that, I'll have a fix uploading in a few minutes. As for the other two endings, one is if you are on the heroic route and had been rescued from Mr. Drape's trap by Sarah. The last ending occurs if none of the other three endings' conditions were met.

    3. I can choose Go With Her, but the ensuing scene doesn't seem to be working all that well. The background doesn't change when we "arrive" and when what I assume is a Bear Claw shows up and I have to battle it... it just ends and I'm still at the lake as if nothing happened. I can't seem to continue.

    4. Sorry. I am made of fail recently. I'll have more fixes uploading a couple minutes.

  70. So uh... It's been a while and I still can't seem to finish the big scene with Sarah. The background changes and all but I still go back to the lake when it's time to fight the Bear Claw.

    1. Sorry about that. It seems like Stencyl undid my fix. It's done that like three times now to different fixes. I don't get it. I'll have a new fix uploading in a few minutes.

  71. Replies
    1. Yeah, just having file size issues. I can only upload up to 23 MB the way I was doing it, and the game is now 26 MB

    2. I'm working on trying to find a solution as soon as possible.

  72. New Cassandra doesn't seem to change expressions. Costumes are fine though.

    1. Actually, I don't think the old Cassandra changed expressions either. She is less expressive than the other characters, and hasn't really had a lot of scenes in which she is in her normal form.

  73. Sarah asking you out: If you press NumPad0 when having to make the choice, it accepts Yes, but conversation restarts after that

    Transformation : Using it once uses it like 5-6 times I guess, taking me 6% of stamina at lv 9

    Last: is it normal that the portrait for Drape didn't change to the New Graphics if we selected it?
    Okay right now it would be really hard for me to wonder if it's a man or a woman :p

    1. I have a fix uploading for those first two. The last one, I just tested and his new avatar appears to be working. Is there anything you did specifically to make it not appear, or is it not appearing from the start?

    2. I just chose New Graphics and I still see the little icon with the old graphics, and just wondered if it was normal or not

      Just as a matter of facts, will it be possible to select which characters we want as old images or new ones? :p I prefer yours sometimes but Rokumoku's for others :p

      I'll have 2 things to add if I can find out about the last one, will be replying again in an hour or so

    3. Just went through 2 bugs! As I expected, Sarah can still come to save you even if being an inanimate doll
      Also, if she's been attacked by Bear Claw, when being injured and supposedly out of team (as in Tiff's room), you still can go with her in the dungeon, but she also will ask you to turn her into a doll AND save you when being a prisonner of Drape

      That's it for now, I'll probably try and play later tonight ^^

    4. Ah, sorry I had thought you meant his avatar for some reason. I have a fix uploading now for that.

      I don't know if I will make it possible to pick and choose which avatars are in which style, but if I do it will probably be much later on.

      I had put in a condition for her being inanimate, but apparently I had the order wrong. so it was on the wrong side of an "or" statement. Hopefully that should be fixed.

      As for her being in the team after seeing her in Tiff's room, at what point are you able to use her? She should automatically rejoin the team after the second scene with her (assuming she doesn't drop out) I checked the code for if she gets wounded and it does remove her from the party and both party slots as soon as you refuse to go with her.

    5. Nah don't worry it is perfect with the avatar ^^
      Wait that fast???

      Really that would be an opportunity?? Didn't even believe it when asked :p

      It is fixed right now? Like, that fast??

      Well I mean when I refuse to go with her, I still can have her in team (checking in... Nop, it actually just is after someone got her back to Tiff, though she still is heavily injured), but as soon as she is heavily injured and not healed yet, she can save you, go with you in the dungeon, and go back to Tiff's without her noticing anything :p

      Also you can still go in her mind even if she's with Tiff asking to be saved :p

      What I meant is I think you get her back way too early, as she's like in coma or something :p

    6. Just got in Sarah though she was fighting her Bear Claw outside, it litterally was just after she went there :p

      Also, having Sarah cursed by Drape should change her text right?

      When Fire Imp from Sarah's mind hits None, the 'None' isn't written which looks like " was burned by Fire Imp"

      Text doesn't stop on Molly's first lesson on heroic path, while pressing Enter, so no choice given

      Can't find anything else "buggy" right now

    7. Yeah, I am fast :P

      I'm not sure, as I don't know how complex it would be. It will probably be a while before I can take a look into how complex it is.

      What are the last couple lines of the scene that you see in the scene that Sarah returns to the party at the end of?

      I'm not sure I understand, asking to be saved from what?

      (to your next post)

      So, right after she was carried back into town?

      It should, slightly. If you see any instances where it doesn't I can fix them.

      The fire imp shouldn't target nobody. I have a fix uploading for that now.

      I have a fix for the first heroic lesson uploading now. (May take a few minutes to sync up.)

    8. You're so fast *-* !!!!!!

      Okay that looks more like what I thought, it sounds too much like a problem to me :p

      Sarah comes back to the party as soon as Tiff took a look at her, being angry, when Ms Rack says we have to let her work or something... Didn't let her go alone too much though as I felt bad about her being hurt (I know...) so I don't really know the text well (Can still run a game now if you want)

      I meant like Tiff is healing her, to my mind she almost is left in coma with her trips off her body, so it shouldn't be that easy to take her in the dungeon

      Nah even worst, I went to save Sarah from Drape's curse after refusing to accompany her, without even having seen her being taken back in town. I just had noticed before she was cursed, told her to go to Jane's, then went to lake, refused to accompany her and rushed in clas, where she shouldn't have been (taken off the team also)

      Okay I'll try to take a closer look at it, to check every word of every chat, even while breaking it (*-*)

      Oh my I love that one page...

    9. I can't seem to get Sarah back after her getting to fight Bear Claw on that save... Dunno if normal or not... I guess it is

      Well I got things mixed up: After you refuse, getting Sarah to leave your party due to leaving her to Jane as being cursed will lead her to leave your party though she's not there
      Also, if you save her from the curse, you can get her back at any time as she is 'given' back at the end of it, no matter what

      Everything about date and her home is not affected by curse I think, or it just is because I did not leave her to Jane. Checking in: And if you leave her to Jane you can't trigger anything else... Well done I didn't think about that one anachronism actually :p

      Just casted confuse on Val: The ailment says it's under the power of Suppression (which I casted first), but text says she's under control of confusion

      Sarah can still come back to save me if: she still is out there fighting with Bear Claw, but I brought her back in team using her mind, without having been in the streets yet

      I'm done for tonight

    10. Edit: Your patch for Molly and the Imps correctly work
      Didn't chek about Doll-Sarah's one but will do that when I wake up in 7 hours or so, if I can and don't plan on checking something else

  74. I've double checked that scene and there is no code to put her back into the party at that point so I don't know how she's rejoining at the end of that scene. The scene that she rejoins should be the ones where she considers (but is talked out of) dropping out. There are three variations on that scene, and one scene where she decides to drop out and doesn't change her mind.

    I'll have a fix for Sarah's scenes in Janes rooms activating while she's injured uploaded in a moment.

    Which page do you mean?

  75. Nah it's okay for her home plot actually, I just things mixed up in my mind, due to I doing everything in the same time... sorry
    I can't find what triggered me to actually her refusing to come back with me no matter what though


    Sorry I forgot about the most important: It was in the dungeon. I always though Confusion didn't work on teammates, but got Val confused when seeing the text, though she still was under the power of Suppression from the ailment status

    1. Doll plot (the beginning) and date are not affected by Drape's curse, she still speeks with a few contractions

      For some reason, doll Sarah currently is locked for me: Didn't go for any secret class but Tiff's, dated Sarah, said she liked the blue lake, asked about the forest, freed her in her mind, casted boost, went for private class with Molly, refused to but still did the class, did the class with Charm.
      Now her portrait appears in the street but nothing allows me to actually do anything to her

    2. Is there a reason why casting Conversion Speed successfully on yourself in the dungeon takes poison off?

      If I accept to throw the spell on Molly, Sarah's doll becomes available again

      And Sarah-doll saving us is now patched! Thanks ^^

    3. Let me see if I can answer all of your questions. Got a lot of text to get through :P

      Assuming you mean after she fights the bear claw alone. In order for her to rejoin your party in that plotline, you either need to have recruited Cassandra into your party, need to have been saved from Drape by Sarah, or have her enslaved. If none of those conditions are met, she will drop out. However, if you are on the heroic path and get kidnapped, she will come rescue you and then decide to rejoin the party after regaining her confidence.

      I just made a change to prevent the home plot from triggering if she is cursed by Mr. Drape since that would be breaking city rules and she would be incapable of doing that while cursed. That should also fix the anachronisms associated with going back and forth between the two plotlines.

      It is intentional that you can cast any spell on party members. In fact, this comes in handy if you want to replace a bad status ailment with a less severe one.

      Just added an additional check to ensure Sarah is healed up before she can come rescue you.

      I will have to look over her dialogue and see how difficult it would be to adjust it to match her cursed speech type. I just disabled her asking you out, due to Drape's strong anti-romance stance, and the start of the doll plot since she would not, under the curse, put her personal desires above safe learning.

      Fixed the problem with Sarah's doll plot not working when she is dating you.

      Conversion spells remove status ailments by converting them into buffs. Conversion Speed gives a speed buff for the conversion.

      I think that's everything, unless I missed a post. All the fixes I just mentioned will be uploaded as soon as the compiling finishes.

    4. Sorry for writing way too much... ^^'

      Okay that must be the reason why I couldn't keep her, as going back and forth between the two plots ^^'
      Thanks ^^

      Wow I hadn't even thought about the fact that mixing those plots could be an anachronism :p

      I just meant that the image is not visible with Confuse when cast on your team: You have the effects, but if not looking at the text you won't see anything but your teammate skipping turn, inflicting her like 6 hp

      Thanks about this one, though it was fun for me to just be saved by someone in coma, it feels weird :p

      I will try to make a pack one day with every single piece of dialog where she speaks normally, if I can

      Wow that's the reason of the Conversion word! Stupid I am, just got it! Which is why I felt I could only use it when having a curse or poison or something... I thought you became less resistant to ailment if already having one :p

      I will try and play it in about 11-12 hours if I can, can't promise anything though

    5. You aren't writing too much. I just apparently have too many bugs that need reporting :P

      Ah, so the ailment icon for confuse doesn't show up? I just checked, the animation for it renamed it's self back to the default "animation 0" from "confused" which made it not update. Uploading the fix to that now.

      No problem; I try to avoid anachronisms as much as possible so that the story can be fairly self-consistent no matter how you play it. Sometimes things slip by though.

      Hopefully by then I'll have a new scene written. :p About a quarter of the way through writing it.

    6. No absolutely not! It's just that I'm pointing out everything I find weird to get explanation or just for you to notice if it's not normal to like get Sarah to ask you out before throwing a fireball at you in the street, that's mostly it :p

      Thanks for that one ^^

      Okay I'll try even harder to get thos anachronisms to show up! :p

      New scene? Woooooaaaaawwww!!!!! *Rush and goes all the way up to play*

    7. Confusion fix works
      Just noticed Cassandra little portrait still is with old graphics when new ones are activated (I don't mind though)

      Oh will it be possible tu just turn back in dungeon? 'Cause i just failed to choose the right spell and lost a battle because casted Conversion Speed instead of Boost :p
      Just asking :p

      Is there a reason why I can still go to Shop to see Molly after having tamed her? Couldn't it be like Derrick or someone taking her place as she "must be on holidays" or something? Plus it would be well for him to be the owner of the shop looking his parents still have a bit of money

      Wow last scene is awesome! Just, is there a reason why Molly doesn't like join the team or something to show people you actually did it? :p

    8. Er... When I meant, "you actually did it", I meant that you actually tamed her... Like as the player :p

    9. Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! Just thinking about it!! Will it be possible like with the main character, if done enough of Jane's lessons and if having like all the teachers as slaves, to actually empower Mr Drape to conquer the town and then the world and...! Okay might have gone a bit too far... Drape alone then? :p
      Or maybe to trigger a love relation with Drape (Not really into gay sex but some of your gamers probably are :p)?

    10. "I" and "am" were supposed to be around "am not" in last post...

    11. "not really" and not "am not".... Damn I'm drunk or what? While drinking water, would be weird but hey, you never know... :P

  76. I just put in a check to keep Sarah from trying to get revenge on you if you have high affection with her.

    Just fixed Cassandra's portrait.

    Conversion Speed is one of Dan/Rosa's default spells. Boost is actually in the physical magic column.

    Mostly, you can see Molly in the shop because I haven't written the dialogue for her absence yet. Derrick is related to the shop owner though, so you guessed that one right.

    There is one more scene I need to do before Molly joins the team as a result of that plotline. The reason there is one more scene would be apparent comparing that scene with the scene where Molly was a succubus and did not get tamed. :P

    There will be no natural romance with Mr. Drape. He has a very strong anti-romance thing going, so he would never start a relationship, double-especially not with a student since he has arbitrary moral standards. (Standards which he has convinced himself are best served by forcing everyone to adhere to them even if they don't want to.)

    Just added the ability to get Willing-Slave Cassandra to lift her shirt for you in the library with alternate dialogue for it. Also added a Library scene for Jane.

    Sorry for the slow reply this time, spent a large chunk of the day without internet due to thunderstorms and satellite internet.

    1. Okay perfect then, will check that one when I'll have time fot that :p

      Thanks ^^

      Yeah but I mean when you choose your spell you can't go back if you missed the right one, which is sad I think ^^'

      Ouuuuh man I can read in the script! ;p

      I forgot to see that one scene! What am I thinking??? AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh!!! Can't now but gotta do it!!! *-*!!!

      Yeah but how about overpowering him like Tiff? That man must have some weakness... Like maybe in his true self he's completely fund of... I dunno... Great students like Julia? :p

      Oh yeah I thought it was normal for Cassandra, as the hero wouldn't be willing to make too much with her :p
      Jane yeaaaaah!!! Scene for your artwork I hope?

      Oh don't worry it was my night time as I live far, far away :p
      So no big deal. Will be playing part of the day tomorrow (your tonight I guess, or must be during your night) and maybe in some 6-7 hours

    2. Ms Rack too, I think, has her portrait being old one

      Sarah still tried to kill me after asking me out :p
      I guess Charm spell doesn't affect your code yet
      Her image got stuck in her being mad,, I guess she didn't cool from Val's ice after all ^^'

      Julia's portrait is in your art too

      Having casted Charm to Sarah's mind still got me Molly at the end of the lesson, that's not normal right?

      AS you added Jane, Ashley's portrait in library is almost gone out of the screen now, though I can't really find what to do about it

    3. Jane doesn't even care about Molly having horns and a bigger tail than anyone in school? :p
      But the text changes for flirt lesson, that's cool ^^

      didn't reach any problem ^^

      just wondering how people react to Dan transformed into succubus Molly. Wiriting it to remember it tomorrow

  77. The reason you can't go back after clicking the wrong spell is because I haven't figured out a way to do that. The code in that area is very complex and most of the ways I've come up with would cause potential exploitable bugs.

    You will be able to do different things magically; I'm just saying there won't be any romance plot involving him.

    Nah, I just had to write a bit of different dialogue since Cassandra isn't magically compelled to obey in that plotline.

    Yeah, my artwork in the new library scene with Jane.

    I have a fix for Julia's avatar uploading now.

    Charming doesn't count against the heroic path right away, so Molly will still join you if you charm characters.

    Moved Ashley's icon into the second row.

    Since transformation magic is a known thing, most students/faculty ignore transformations under the assumption that it's a fashion thing. This is, incidentally, why the first conclusion students came to for Cowsandra was that she chose to become a cow, rather than assuming something happened to her.

    The students who thought Molly was a monster assumed so because she wasn't wearing any clothes at the time, and was trying not to be seen. Walking around in her Kimono it's clear that she is human.

    I am planning to include more interactions between characters and yours while transformed.
